Nutrition in Medicine

evidence-based clinical nutrition education for medical students, residents, fellows, and other physicians.

YouTube Vignettes

YouTube video tutorials providing a quick overview of the NIM Online Modules that are available for practicing physicians.

Gestational Diabetes Mellitus »

A brief tutorial on nutrition for gestational diabetes mellitus (diabetes during pregnancy).

Hypertension and Nutrition »

A brief tutorial reviewing lifestyle and nutritional recommendations for managing hypertension.

Nutrition and Portion Sizes »

A brief tutorial reviewing nutritional recommendations for appropriate portion sizes for each food group.

Primary Prevention of Cancer »

A brief tutorial reviewing nutritional recommendations for appropriate portion sizes for each food group.

Refeeding Syndrome »

A brief tutorial reviewing nutritional recommendations for appropriate portion sizes for each food group.

Registered Dietitian Referral »

A brief tutorial and overview of how to make referrals to a dietitan.

Contact NIM

For technical problems, contact NIM Tech Support.

For other questions, contact NIM Professor.